Introduction to trail-running
The type of terrain is varied. It can be sand, dirt roads, forest paths and trails. The variation uphill’s and downhills is also a characteristic of the sport, exiting races where the positive climb total above 10km throughout the race. The race course should be marked, by ribbons, reflectores, flags, sign posts and staff ( volunteers through the course showing the direction to follow), in a way the athlete can compete in the race withouth the need of previously knowing the race course.
Types of race
There are trail-running races of auto-sufficiensy or semi-sufficiensy. In the first the athlete normally takes a backpack with food, clothing, hydration and the needed materials to realize the course according to it’s distance and their prediction of time to complete it. However the race of semi-sufficiensy are more common, in them the athlete takes with him the minimum of equipment because throughout the course he will find aid-stations where he can refill it’s food, hydration and even chance clothing.